A e van vogt supermind
A e van vogt supermind

a e van vogt supermind

While not all services include a Tracking Number, if the one that we choose to use does, we enter this number into the Order Details and/or email our customers this information, so that its delivery progress can be monitored, if customers choose to do so. We try to think of everything! We then choose one of the various shipping services offered by Canada Post to meet your chosen shipping timeframe. An Invoice and Packing Slip are always safely enclosed with your book(s), so that should an unfortunate incident occur to exterior labelling and/or packaging, postal employees can identify the rightful owner of the contents and complete delivery. No loose edges or flaps are left on the outside of packages to ensure smooth flow and safe journey through postal system sorting and scanning equipment. To ensure that no moisture damage occurs while in transit, we make sure that a plastic, protective barrier is a part of your package, either by using a Poly Mailer or by plastic bagging/wrapping your book(s) if a cardboard box is to be used for shipping. Attention is paid to protecting corners and boards of hardcover books and ensuring that paperback books cannot be curled or folded while in transit.

a e van vogt supermind

Choosing the most appropriate materials suited to your purchase, we package up your parcel, taking the time to do everything we can to ensure its safe and secure delivery to you.

a e van vogt supermind

We believe in the second "R" in "Reduce, Re-use, Recycle" when it comes to shipping, but only if it does not compromise your purchase. Bearing this in mind, we carefully package your purchase using: cardboard boxes or cardboard shipping wraps cardboard wrap in a Poly Mailer bubble wrap foam wrap air bags paper fill While we often re-use shipping materials, we only do so with clean materials that are worthy of the job.

a e van vogt supermind

You have spent time carefully selecting which copy of a book to purchase (Thank you for choosing ours!), often based on its described condition. We realize that the packaging and shipping of your purchase is an important aspect of your order. FORCE THIS SENTIENT INDIVIDUAL TO INTERACT WITH A GROSSLY VAST UNIVERSE. Yet it is in this state that a person can act out a sleep-walker's strange goal. It is enormously difficult to awaken him. In that fourth sleep stage that Hanardy was in-the deep delat-wave stage-push at him, hit him, roll him over. CONSIDER ANY SENTIENT PERSON - That includes a man Hanardy. They came down without incident into Hanardy's permanent spaceship berth in Spaceport, the large moon's principal city. They had brought along Hanardy's freighter to be their landing craft. Here is science fiction in the grand old style! - and - TAKE A SENTIENT BEING - Everyone aboard the Dreegh supership that flew to the moon Europa in thirty hours (instead of many weeks) fitted that description: the Dreeghs, Pat, Professor Ungarn, and the sleeping Hanardy. POINT OMEGA-when man becomes one with totality! Supermind reveals the classic science-fictional hand of A. RESEARCH ALPHA found answers they never expected. RESEARCH ALPHA sought the reason for humanity's very existence in a vast and apparently hostile cosmos. SYNOPSIS: RESEARCH ALPHA sought the answer to the ultimate intelligence-and also to certain problems of other intelligent beings sharing our galaxy. Intelligence Quotient Ten Thousand! BOOK NUMBER: 224. Previous Dealer Markings Light Creasing on Front, Rear Covers, Spine Front, Rear Covers, Spine Lightly Chipped Edges Lightly Soiled Slight Yellowing Due to Age Line of "Z" Stamped on Lower Edge. Published by The New American Library of Canada Limited, 1977.

A e van vogt supermind